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Rathfriland for Reds!





For twenty years the volunteers of Tollymore Red Squirrel Group alongside their partners Forest Service (DARDNI) have, through disease, the grey squirrel challenge, fire, habitat destruction etc. etc. managed to maintain a population of red squirrels in Tollymore Forest Park.


TRSG is celebrating its 20th Birthday this year in Newcastle  Centre on Wednesday 12th June 7-9 pm. AGM at 7pm followed at 7.30pm by an illustrated talk “The Joys of Citizen Science” presented by Andy Carden.


Please come along to support us and help us celebrate with tea and birthday cake.




Watch this space and keep an eye on social and local media for our latest events

Help us and donate 


If you would like to make a donation towards the red squirrel conservation work of this group please email



Reg. Charity No. NIC102355